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a rounded point or elevation on the biting surface of the posterior tooth.
1. canine; eye tooth
2. a tooth having a single cusp used for tearing food.
Dental Implant
a device embedded in the mandible or maxilla to support a dental restoration.
Dental Laboratory
manufactures and customizes a variety of products to assist in the provision of oral health care by a licensed dentist.
Dental Technician
One who makes dental appliances and restorative devices, such as bridges or dentures, to the specifications of a dentist.
Dental Technology
The field of dentistry involved in procedures for designing and constructing dental appliances.
a calcareous material harder and denser than bone that comprises the bulk of a tooth.
A partial or complete set of artificial teeth for either the upper or lower jaw.
a space between two adjacent teeth in the same dental arch.
a positive reproduction of a prepared tooth, usually a removable portion of a model.
situated away from the center of the dental arch.
The hard, translucent substance covering
the exposed portion of a tooth in
mammals. Enamel is the hardest substance in the body, and consists mostly of calcium salts.
The branch of dentistry that deals with diseases of the tooth root, dental pulp, and surrounding tissue.
1. full gold crown
2. an all-metal crown usually cast in gold.
General Anesthesia
is the induction of a state of unconsciousness with the absence of pain sensation over the entire body, through the administration of anesthetic drugs. It is used during certain medical and surgical procedures.
refers to a degree of sensitivity that produces a sharp, instant pain when the dentin layer of a tooth is exposed to hot or cold temperature, sweet or salty stimuli, or mechanical stimuli such as a toothbrush.
prevention of eruption, normal occlusion, or routine removal of a tooth because of its being locked in position by bone, dental restoration, or surfaces of adjacent teeth.
a metal anchor that is inserted into a jawbone to provide permanent support for a crown, fixed bridge, or denture when the bone itself would provide insufficient support. About 8 weeks after a tooth or teeth are removed, the anchor is screwed into a hole that has been drilled into the jaw. New bone is allowed to grow around and fuse with the anchor for up to 6 months before the crown, bridge, or denture is attached.
one made of the jaw and/or teeth in some
plastic material, which is later filled in with plaster of Paris to produce a facsimile of the oral structures present.
Any of the four teeth adapted for cutting or gnawing, having a chisel-shaped crown and a single conical root and located in the front part of both jaws in both deciduous and permanent dentitions.
A solid filling, as of gold or porcelain, fitted to a cavity in a tooth and cemented into place.
Inlay Bridge
consists of a custom-made false tooth (or teeth) joined onto two inlays. The bridge is fitted onto two healthy teeth in order to fill a gap between them caused by a missing tooth. It is held in place by bonding the anchoring inlay over each of the healthy teeth. The bridge consists of a metal-cast inlay, which is covered in a thin veneer to make it resemble real teeth.
wafer-thin, custom-made shells of tooth-colored materials designed to cover the front surface of teeth to improve your appearance. These shells are bonded to the front of the teeth changing their color, shape, size, or length.
Mandible (Mandibular)
the lower jawbone (relating to the lower jaw)
Maxilla (Maxillary)
the upper jaw (relating to the upper jaw)
A median line or plane of bilateral symmetry, esp. that of the body.